Professional Conduct
All vendors are expected to dress appropriately and to act and present themselves in a professional manner. Vendors may not wear clothing with potentially offensive images.
The Union County Farmers Market prohibits the use of tobacco products on the Market site during market hours. Prohibited products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco products.
Vendors may not bully, disrespect, or publicly disparage other vendors, products, volunteers, customers, market managers, city officials, businesses, or the Union County Farmers Market, either in person or by electronic media. This type of behavior may result in permanent expulsion from the Union County Farmers Market with no redress.
For the first offense, a verbal warning will be issued. The second offense will incur a written warning. Upon a third offense, the response may include, but is not limited to, suspension and/or termination of any business, current and future, with the Union County Farmers Market. A severe infraction may result in immediate removal by the Market Manager.
Discipline and Complaints
The Union County Farmers Market has created protocols and procedures that allow vendors to lodge complaints against other vendors whom they think are out of compliance with market rules and regulations. Farm or Kitchen Inspection would apply. Complaints should be made in a timely manner, and not disruptive to the marketplace.
Should be directed in writing to the Market Manager for resolution.
May be made in person, by email, or by mail.
The vendor being accused of wrongdoing must also respond in writing to the Market Manager.
The Board’s decision regarding any disciplinary action shall be final.
Grounds for Removal
Failure to obey city, state, or federal laws and regulations.
Failure to obey the Market rules and regulations or failure of an on sight inspection..
Causing an unsafe marketplace for vendors and/or customers
Excessive tardiness, noncompliance with market hours, or absence
Reinstatement is at the discretion of the Market Manager and/or Board